Denise M Taylor

Writing Consultant I Editor I Proofreader

I am a freelance editor and writing consultant: mentoring writers (emerging and established, including academics); providing assessments for unpublished manuscripts (fiction and non-fiction); proofreading and editing fiction and non-fiction; assisting businesses with their professional writing; reviewing and editing student resources, academic research essays, theses, articles and book projects.

My series, The Art of Writing & Editing, provides tips to improve writing skills, including grammar, punctuation and word choice, and to encourage writers to self-edit their projects before engaging a professional editor. I have two degrees – a Bachelor of  Education and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) – and I’ve completed courses in creative writing,  proofreading and editing. I was awarded the Dwight Final Assessment Prize (Fine Arts) for academic merit for my thesis from The University of Melbourne.

I call Melbourne (Australia) ‘home’, but travelling is one of my passions. I have indulged in a wide range of cultural, sensory and visual delights across many countries, such as the majestic mountains and glaciers of Patagonia; the thunderous Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil; a sunrise and sunset over the Ganges and Mt Everest; Baroque and Renaissance art in Rome; Gothic gargoyles in Paris; the light of Provence and sparkle of the Mediterranean Sea; the Taj Mahal through morning mist; Buddhist temples and Zen gardens in Japan; frescoes in Florence; poetry reading in Keats’ London house; the Writers’ Museum in Edinburgh; the exhilaration of New York; ancient temples and amphitheatres in Turkey, Greece, Rome and Sicily; mystical Lindisfarne Island; the lochs of Scotland; the sublime fjords and mountains of Norway; and I never tire of London …

My Musings on Art series of articles focuses on art and artists, gardens and galleries, usually associated with places I have visited.

If you are currently tackling a writing project and think it may need an assessment, or it is ready for editing, then I would be delighted if you introduced yourself via my Contact page or you can send me an email with your specific needs or concerns to


We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be where we started
And know the place for the first time.

(T.S. Eliot, ‘Little Gidding’ from Four Quartets, 1927)